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27 Février 2017

4 Household Uses for Lemons You Never Had Before


When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade – make natural products to use around your Hazelview Apartment! These natural lemon creations can replace store bought items that contain harmful chemicals and additives. Best of all, these natural products work just as well as their commercial alternatives.

Fridge Deodorizer

Using chemical-laden products close to your food feels like a bad idea. Thankfully, all you need for a natural fridge deodorizer is some lemon juice and cotton balls! Remove and discard all spoiled food from your fridge, transfer smelly foods (like cheese, onions and fish) to airtight containers, and then soak a few cotton balls in lemon juice and leave them in your fridge for 4 to 6 hours. That’s it! Repeat this process every few weeks, or whenever you detect unpleasant odours.

All Purpose Cleaner/Natural Bleach Alternative

Clean your Hazelview apartment and leave a pleasant lemony scent in the air with this simple Three Ingredient All Purpose Cleaner. The ingredients for this non-toxic, natural cleaner are lemon juice, water and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution which is available from any drugstore. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) is the only germicidal agent that contains only water and oxygen. It kills microorganisms through oxidation. The lemon juice breaks down grease and grime. This homemade solution can even be used as a natural bleach alternative.

Homemade Mouthwash

It's easy to make your own homemade mouthwash. All you need is lemon juice, water and cinnamon. This mixture will freshen your breath and clean your mouth without chemicals like benzoic acid, sodium benzoate and poloxamer 407 (sounds pretty harmful).

Natural Insect Repellant

Lemons can be used as a natural insect repellent to deter uninvited guests that may have found their way into your home. Apply some fresh squeezed lemon juice along floors, windowsills, or anywhere an ant has appeared. You can also place dried lemon peels in your closets to deter moths and leave a fresh scent.

We hope this helps you find new uses for your leftover lemons and helps you replace harmful chemicals in your home.

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