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7 Mai 2020

5 Home workouts that will kick your butt


Not sure how to work out efficiently at home during the pandemic? These 5 home workouts will kick your butt and ensure you don’t lose your gains in this unusual off season. No matter what you’re into, there’s an excellent workout for you.


If you want to really challenge yourself at home with no equipment, tabata is your new best friend. This 30-minute tabata workout is tough and will torch calories. It’s cleverly designed with modifications for every exercise to ensure that basically everyone can join in. Watch the video.

Bodyweight HIIT

Even if you only have 20 minutes to spare, you can still get in a great workout. This 20-minute bodyweight HIIT workout will work your body from head to toe. Guaranteed to get your heart pumping and your muscles flexing.

Power Yoga

You don’t need to venture out to a yoga studio to sneak an excellent flow into your day. In just 20 minutes, this power yoga flow will invigorate your mind, body and soul. The class is challenging even though it only takes a fraction of the time of most studio classes to complete.

Free weight circuit

You can be on your way to toned arms in just 10 minutes per session with this great free weights workout. Use any free weights you have that you’re able to lift for 10 minutes straight! Don’t be afraid to go a bit light -- this will be exhausting with heavy weights.


If you want a heart pumping workout that uses your whole body, look to the past! Remember Tai Bo? You can watch the original videos on YouTube! Try this one which will get you moving and sweating in no time. 

We hope you try and enjoy these fabulous home workouts! By staying home, you are doing your part for the planet and we salute you. 

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