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16 Avril 2015

5 Small changes for a greener life in your Oakville apartment


Become more eco-friendly this springtime with the following five simple yet effective tips for a greener lifestyle in your Oakville apartment. Hazelview offers beautiful rentals located in the heart of Kerr Village, which overlooks scenic Lake Ontario.

Get rid of junk mail

Get off junk mail lists today as this direct mail creates unnecessary paper waste. To start cutting down, clearly indicate on your mailbox that you do not want to receive junk mail and begin contacting organizations to ask to be removed from their mailing and traded lists.

Reusable Bags

Easily reduce landfill waste by incorporating reusable bags into your shopping routine. Plastic bags take a huge toll on the environment and landfill waste can be reduced in a big way by using an eco-friendly reusable bag instead. These bags come in a variety of sizes, prints and patterns and can be crafted from numerous materials and fabrics. Homesense is a 30-minute transit ride from Hazelview’s 75 Stewart Street apartments and is a great place to pick up your stylish reusable shopping bags.

Laundry time

When using the washing machine it’s always best to use cold water and to try and wash your laundry at non-peak hours. In the warmer months you can also try using a drying rack or clothesline whenever possible to dry your laundry.

Eco-friendly eating

Make it a rule to try and shop only for grocery items that you know you will use to reduce food waste. Other eco-friendly eating principles include eating less meat, consuming more greens, eating less packaged food items and buying from local suppliers and producers wherever possible. Did you know that if every Canadian replaced one meal of chicken per week with a vegetarian option, the carbon dioxide savings would be almost equal to taking more than 250,000 cars off the road? Try incorporating meatless Mondays into your weekly routine.

Use less water

There are many ways to cut your water consumption, decrease the cost of your water bill and ultimately help out the environment. Easy ways to cut down on water consumption include turning the water off while you brush your teeth and shortening the length of your daily shower by two minutes.