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17 Mai 2021

Canadian Tulip Festival in Ottawa goes virtual


The 69th annual Canadian Tulip Festival is back for another exciting year. This year, all the beauty and history of the Tulip Festival can be enjoyed virtually – from the comfort of home! You can skip the crowds and stay physically distanced, while still enjoying almost everything this outstanding tradition has to offer. Here’s what is blooming as the Canadian Tulip Festival in Ottawa goes virtual.


The Tulip Festival is a celebration of the beauty of the tulip. It’s also a commemoration of the role Canada played in the liberation of the Netherlands during World War II. The tradition of keeping people safe continues as the festival goes online this year, as travel and large gatherings are discouraged at this time.

Skip the crowd, see the tulips

Thanks to the Tulip Garden Live Eye, you can see the beauty of the tulips in bloom, in real-time! You can check out the Tulip Gallery to see professional photos and videos of the blooms from the comfort, convenience and safety of home. More images are being added all the time, so keep checking in! If you’d like to virtually tiptoe through the tulips, you can view the Interactive Garden Map and click on an area to learn more about the kinds of tulips in any given spot.

Virtual tour

If you miss the live interaction with fellow tulip-lovers you can sign up for a Virtual Tulip Legacy Garden Tour. You and 19 other online guests can tour 27 gardens together and take in hundreds of different kinds of tulips. You can schedule your Zoom tour now. Tours are offered daily from May 14th to the 22nd. You’ll learn about the history of the tulip and it’s iconic place in Ottawa culture from your Zoom tour guide. The virtual tour is only $10.


TulipTV is your new favourite channel for all things tulip. It’s also where you can tune in virtually to the annual Veterans Day Ceremony live on May 18th, 2021 at 11 a.m. from Beechwood National Cemetery.

We hope this post helps you enjoy all that this year’s Tulip Festival has to offer. We’re so glad you can enjoy Canadian festivals like this during the pandemic. We look forward to gathering in person next year for the 70th Anniversary Platinum Jubilee.

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