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12 Avril 2021

Earth Day: Sustainable living made easy


In honour of Earth Day (April 22nd, 2021), Hazelview Properties has some simple and affordable tips to follow to live a more sustainable and environmentally friendly life.

Use non-toxic household cleaners

To help keep our homes and the whole world clean, consider switching to non-toxic household cleaning products. If you want to save some money, you can even make your own DIY natural cleaning products, using items you probably already have at home, like vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice. They're better for you and the planet, so everyone wins when you choose eco-friendly cleaning products.

Wash in cold water

Don't worry, we're referring to washing your laundry, not yourself – although there may be some benefits to cold showers. Washing your clothes in cold water is a great way to save energy. According to Energy Star, heating water accounts for 90% of the washer's energy use. Using warm water can cut energy use in half, and washing in cold saves even more. Hot water can also wear out the fabric of your clothes faster and make them less vibrant.

Buy a water Filter

While we are on the subject of water, heading to the tap, rather than buying plastic bottles is the way to go. If you want to go the extra step, you can buy a faucet water filter or pitcher water filter to help reduce the amount of single-use plastic that ends up in landfills.

Keep reusable items handy

Instead of contributing to the crisis of single-use plastic items like bags and takeout containers flooding landfills and waterways, invest in the solution. Bring your own reusable bags for shopping, buy a good reusable bottle for water, get a reusable tumbler for homemade or takeout hot drinks and bring your own containers for takeout orders from restaurants.

Minimize food waste

According to the National Zero Waste Council, almost 2.2 million tonnes of edible food is wasted each year. That works out to about 140 kilograms, or $1,100 worth of wasted food, per household, per year! You can cut down on your personal food waste by properly storing food, learning how to meal plan and meal prep. It will save you time and money and will help save the earth.

We hope these spring cleaning hacks help bring home the fresh feeling of spring. To find your home with Hazelview Properties, please visit our Home Finder section.