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15 Mai 2014

Easy ways to manage your recycling


Do your part for the environment and engage in a responsible yet efficient recycling program this year. Recycling is important as it helps reduce the waste going into landfills, helps the global warming reduction effort and reduces air pollution. The following tips and tricks will get you in the habit of recycling without creating a mess or hassle. Hazelview’s Ottawa communities encourage our residents to engage in eco-friendly practices like recycling.

Recycling is important, but first and foremost it is important to try and use less whenever possible. For example, recycling just a single aluminum can save the amount of energy required to run a television for three hours. Going digital is another practical and eco-friendly way of cutting down your paper trail.

What to Recycle
Your recyclable containers will include glass bottles, jars, pop cans, food cans (make sure they are empty and rinsed), aerosol cans, empty paint cans, plastic bottles, clean aluminum foil and other paper products. If you aren’t 100% clear whether an item is recyclable or not, check the label for the standard recycling symbol on the packaging. Keep in mind that some products have only specific parts or components that can be recycled. Once collected, recyclables can be brought down to the apartment’s recycling cart in a carry bin that does not include plastic bags, as these can contaminate the recyclables. For more information on Ottawa’s recycling procedures check out the City of Ottawa's online recycling guide.

Keeping Recycling Organized
Keeping recycling organized in the apartment can sometimes be a challenging task. The following ideas will help you set up a recycling area that is both visually pleasing and effective. Remember to keep your storage containers where you generate the most waste, which is often the kitchen and pantry area. Try these ideas for clever recycling storage:

  • Hang it

Make sorting cans, bottles, and other recyclables less of a hassle by placing them in a pre-assigned container or bag. For quick and space saving access, hang the bag from a pair of hooks and add a simple label to make it clear what items can be returned for a deposit and what items can be immediately sent to the recycling cart.

  • Stack it

Save precious space in your apartment by purchasing stackable plastic bins for your recyclables. Label each section to keep things neat and organized. To avoid content spilling out, choose containers with tall barriers that are comfortable to lift even when full.

  • Hide it

Keep your recycling bins out of sight by concealing them in stylish storage options. For example, try placing a garbage bag within a modern wicker basket for contemporary yet practical solutions. Make sure you designate one for plastics, glass and paper products to keep things organized. Target is located less than ten minutes away from our community at 2850 and 2870 Cedarwood Drive, and has a fantastic selection of modern containers and storage vessels.

Do your part to help the environment by engaging in regular recycling. The above tips will help you kick start your own recycling program easy and efficiently.