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19 Mars 2018

How To Bring Spring Into Your Apartment


For most Canadians, spring inspires hope. It wakes us up after months of near hibernation with bright aromas and colors, and warm breezes. Hazelview wants to help you bring spring into your home with these tips.


While monochrome is very in at the moment, the winter palette gets old. Spring means color, flowers, leaves, buds, and blue skies. It's easy to bring these elements into your space. Get a floral rug, buy a colored lamp, put up a yellow shower curtain, paint a bright accent wall. The options are endless. And they’ll help speed the coming of spring.

Flowers + Plants

Bring a pop of colour and a delicate fragrance into your home with fresh flowers and spring plants. Grab some fresh cut flowers and/or a few potted plants to place strategically around the house for a hit of Spring. Read more.


Nothing says spring like freshness. It’s like nature herself cleans away the snow, dirt, and sorrow of winter with budding trees, blooming flowers, and sunny skies. Give your place a once over (it’s called Spring cleaning for a reason), and it’ll put a spring back in your step. Check it out.

Incense + essential oils

Incense and essential oil diffusion are two great ways to add the scent of spring to your home. While it can take some searching, there are brands that don’t smell like your Grandmother’s closet. Give it a chance. Look for pinon, cedar, pine, or other aromas that actually occur in nature. See more here.


From throw rugs to accent pillows, small details make a huge difference. Bring spring into your space with some new detail items around your home. Head to Winners or HomeSense and dig through the housewares section. They offer a small miracle of decoration goodness on a budget. Check our more.

Hazelview hopes our tips help you bring a touch of Spring into your home this season. For more information about Hazelview Properties in your city, please visit our website.