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20 Mars 2017

How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe


An effective way to simplify your life is to start with your closet by building a capsule wardrobe. It’s not a physical structure -- you won’t need any tools, other than some organizational skills and the ability to let go. Building a capsule wardrobe is a way of living and dressing with less. Getting rid of everything that you don’t need can help you see what you actually do need. Hazelview Properties is here to guide you as you build a capsule wardrobe.

Take Inventory

Before you can simplify and reorganize your wardrobe into a streamlined capsule, you’ll have to take stock of what you have. This means everything -- clothing, shoes, jewellery and accessories.  It may get a little messy, or a lot messy, but don’t worry, this is only step one. Place all of it on your bed, pile it up, if it’s all on your bed you will be motivated to get through it and when it’s all over, it's over. Really look at all of it, all that you have spent and acquired.


The next step is to sort everything you have into categories. It may feel overwhelming but you’ll feel better once it’s done. Go through everything, piece by piece, and place it into one of four categories: love; maybe; donate and trash. The love pile is for items that fit you well and you wear frequently, because you love them! Maybe is for items you want to hold onto, even if you don’t know why. Donate is for items that you don’t wear -- they don’t fit you or your life. Trash is for items that are in poor condition and have simply run their course.

Second glance

After you have bagged up the ‘donate’ and ‘trash’ piles, it’s time to take a second pass. Go through the ‘love’ and ‘maybe’ piles again, and try on some of the remaining items. Have you worn any of these items in the last six months? Can you see yourself wearing any of them in the next 6 months? Would you buy this item today? If the answer is “no”, add these items to your ‘donate’ bag.

Choose your capsule

It’s time to choose the 30 items or so that will make it into your capsule (33 if you want to follow the Project 333 protocol). You can make a capsule for each season, and some of your favourite items may overlap across several of your seasonal capsules. Use this collection of your favourite go-to items to mix and match all season long and seriously declutter your closet. Box up the remaining items that you have decided to keep until it’s time to create the capsule for next season.

For information on Hazelview Properties across Canada, please visit our website.