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21 Décembre 2022

How to hide holiday gifts in an apartment


The holidays are just around the corner! Have you gone shopping for your gifts yet? If you live in an apartment with those you're shopping for, keeping gifts a secret can be a challenge! If you want to keep your holiday gifts under wraps from people who live under the same roof (roommates, spouse, partner, kids, parents, and siblings etc.), we have tips for you!

Keeping roommate gifts a secret

When you live with roommates, keeping their gifts a secret can be tricky. We recommend wrapping and storing their gifts in your bedroom as the rest of the apartment is likely shared space. A great spot to hide them is wrapped up under your bed (if the area is big enough), or in your own personal closet (if you have one in your room) as these are the areas your roommates are least likely to venture to. Under your desk is also a great hiding spot if you are a student.

Keeping gifts a secret from kids

Whether you’ve got Christmas gifts, Hanukkah Kids, or both, they are hard to hide from kids because they tend to look for them before the holidays! While your closet is still a great, classic option, you might have to get more creative. Have high shelves too high up for little hands to reach? Store your gifts up and away on them. Hiding things in plain sight is a great option. Try to make them as unobvious as you can (not wrapped) so that they don’t stand out as new and go unnoticed. You can also hide them inside shelf storage bins like this, or put something in front of them like books or a plant. If you don't have shelf space to spare, try storing them in a sealed suitcase in your closet, under your living room couch or under your bed. You could even store them under their beds if they're young enough to be scared of the 'monsters' under the bed. A brilliant spot to hide your gifts is in holiday decor storage bins where you store your decorations as they are likely now empty while your apartment is decorated. Another option is the trunk of your car if you don't need the space for other things.

Keeping gifts a secret from someone you share a room with

Hiding gifts from people you share a room with (spouse, partner, sibling etc.) can be incredibly difficult, but there are ways! If you share a closet, hide them wrapped up on your side of it or on your personal shelf (if you have one) when they're not around. Have your own desk? The drawers are a great place to conceal gifts -- especially if they lock! Speaking of drawers, if you have your own dresser or particular drawers of one, this can be a great spot to hide little gifts, concealed by your clothes. Under the bed is not a great spot if you share one as your partner/spouse may also aim to hide gifts there for you. In this case, venturing into the rest of your apartment is advisable. Consider hiding your gifts under a couch or arm chair, behind books on a bookshelf, in a sparingly used kitchen drawer or cabinet. If your apartment has storage lockers, those are great hiding spots if your partner doesn't use them often. Scattering gifts around your home? Take notes so you don't lose track of where they are!

Shipping gifts? Try this

If you're shipping gifts to your home, it's easy to ruin the surprise if someone you live with receives the packages. Luckily Canada Post offers a service to prevent this called FlexDelivery. Basically you can select a post office that's convenient for you and pick up your gifts there when they are shipped.

We wish you the best of luck in hiding your gifts this holiday season. Happy holidays from our family to yours! To find your home with Hazelview Properties, please visit our Home Finder.