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12 Novembre 2019

How To Make Your Apartment More Dog-Friendly


Most dogs can do just fine in a small apartment -- especially if they get enough exercise. But making your place dog-friendly will make both of your lives easier. Hazelview Properties has a list of helpful suggestions for making your apartment an oasis for you and your pooch.

Doggy Nook

Set up a special corner for your dog in your apartment. This will be their place to sleep, rest and chew on their favourite bone. Make it extra cozy with a soft dog bed and a few plush toys. You can also use this nook to store your dog’s toys. Find a nice basket or two that matches your home decor and use them for storage as well as a decorative piece.

Leave Something For Them While You’re Away

Our puppies can get attached to us and sometimes leaving them in the house can make them anxious. This can lead to chewed up furniture and a big mess. You can avoid this by leaving them with a bone to chew on. It will keep them entertained for some time. Leaving the radio on can help as well. This will trick them into thinking someone is at home and generally help with loneliness.

Consistent Bathroom Schedule

Another important thing to consider is having a consistent potty schedule. They will know exactly when they get to go outside, preventing them from having an accident indoors -- especially on your new rug. Walk time is the perfect opportunity for your pup to run around, burn off energy and relax when you get home.

Choose Machine-Washable Furniture

The truth is, when you have a dog you can’t afford to have expensive furniture. Avoid leather, high quality wood and white or light colours -- unless, you want to invest in sofa covers. There are some nice options available which are machine-washable. This is key since you might need to wash them often. You might also want to consider machine-washable pillows, blankets and easy-to-wash rugs.

Get A Good Vacuum Cleaner

A good vacuum cleaner can be a lifesaver -- especially if you have a dog that sheds. Cleaning will be much easier and less stressful, which means you probably won’t mind vacuuming more frequently. Your place will be sparkling clean and perfect for you and your dog to enjoy.

We hope you can create a perfect, pet-friendly apartment with these suggestions from Hazelview! To find your home with Hazelview Properties, please visit our website.