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13 Novembre 2018

How to make your apartment more fun for your cat


Cats are often thought of as low-maintenance pets. This can be true if all their needs are being met. Cats are also often thought of as, well, jerks. This reputation may or may not be deserved. The truth is, a cat that is under-stimulated may act out, become aggressive, or obsessed with food. To help keep your cat (and you) happy, Hazelview Properties wants to share some ideas for how to make your apartment more fun for your cat.

Rise Up

To help prevent your feline friend from rising up in revolt against the tyranny of boredom, you need to get on their level. A cat’s need to be up high is instinctual. This is where they can best survey their territory and improve their chances of survival in the wild. At home, in your apartment, their urge to climb remains. Cat trees and towers are available, but if you think they will clash with your aesthetic, try a simpler solution -- shelves. Strategically-placed shelves will allow your kitty to keep watch on their kingdom and cut down on their anxiety. If you don’t have room for shelving, try keeping the top of the fridge free and clear. They will love their designated cat cliff, especially when you’re in there cooking.

State of the Art Entertainment Centre

You don’t need any electronics to create a state-of-the-art cat entertainment centre. The window is their favourite high definition screen. What you can do is make the seating (window sill) comfy and stimulating. In the cooler months, your kitty may like the window sill decked out with a cozy blanket. If you don’t have a suitable window sill, you can try a DIY hanging cat basket. Hanging a toy or two from the curtain rod won’t hurt, either. Make sure the rod is firmly anchored to the wall, though.

King of the Jungle

Let your kitty feel like the king or queen of the jungle by adding a cat-friendly plant or two for them to hide behind, or even munch on. Choose your plants carefully. Some plants can be toxic to cats, causing indigestion or serious illness. Check out this petsafe plant list from the ASPCA. Growing a small container of catnip is always a welcome addition to your cat’s world.

Break out the Toys

Cats love their toys. You don’t have to spoil them, but keeping a few of their favourite toys around will keep your kitty-cat entertained, even when you can’t be there to play with him/her.

Hazelview hopes these tips help improve the day-to-day lives of your cat, and you.

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