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3 Août 2016

Ice Cream Flavour Inspired Smoothies


Summer is the perfect time to eat ice cream. If you love ice cream but have to avoid dairy or are trying to eat healthier, The Hazelview Properties blog team is here to help. Here are some great smoothie recipes to help you kick your ice cream craving. Enjoy.

Banana Mint Chip

If you like mint chocolate chip ice cream then this Banana Mint Chip Smoothie is for you. This smoothie recipe is dairy free -- made with cacao nibs which are nutrient dense and rich in antioxidants, fresh mint or mint oil and frozen bananas. Cacao nibs are available at Greenbrook Pharmacy, 421 Greenbrook Drive in Kitchener -- a 6 minute drive from Mooregate Crescent Apartments (50, 66, 80 Mooregate Crescent) Pureed frozen bananas taste a lot like ice cream -- you can cut them up and freeze them, or freeze the whole banana and run it under hot water to thaw it and remove the peel before blending.

Tastes Like Ice Cream Kale Smoothie

The name says it all. The Tastes-Like-Ice-Cream-Kale-Smoothie is a great way to get your greens without grimacing!  We all know we should eat kale and this smoothie makes it fun and delicious. You have no more excuses not to eat (or drink) your veggies.

Cookie Dough

You don’t need to have had a bad day (or have gone through a breakup) to want to sit down with a some cookie dough ice cream. Enjoy some guilt-free with this Cookie Dough Protein Shake Smoothie.

Rocky Road ahead

For a really old school ice cream flavour, try this Rocky Road Chocolate Smoothie. This recipe is a healthy treat that is easy to make, thick and rich and makes a perfect breakfast, dessert or light snack.

We hope this post shows you that you don’t have to say goodbye the ice cream flavour that you love when you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The Hazelview blog team hopes this week helps bring a little healthy joy into your life. If you would like more information on Hazelview Communites for rent in Kitchener and throughout Canada, please visit our website.