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30 Mars 2016

Kickstart your spring cleaning


Spring cleaning season is here. Make major headway in your Cote St-Luc apartment in no time at all using today’s post from the Hazelview Properties blog team as your guide.

Start with decluttering

Your Le Monteverdi apartment can feel instantly cleaner without picking up a spray bottle or broom. Simply start your spring by decluttering. Go room-by-room to determine what things you no longer use or want. This process can instantly cause a crowded space to feel more vibrant and welcoming, no deep-clean required.

Dusting makes a difference

Another project that makes the biggest impact in home cleaning is dusting. Removing dust can quickly and easily return surfaces of all types throughout Le Monteverdi Apartments (5500 Borden Avenue) to their natural, shiny state. You will likely see a visible difference right away. Use a homemade, all-natural dusting cleaner that will safely clean while simultaneously leaving behind a fresh citrus fragrance.

Use one cleaner for multiple tasks

What if you had one single homemade, all-natural cleaner that could give your windows, mirrors and stainless steel appliances their original sparkle? Don’t waste time buying, mixing or making gobs of different cleaners. Instead, choose one reliable DIY cleaning solution that can help you make major headway right off the bat with its multi-cleaning capabilities.

Freshen a room

One last way to kickstart your spring cleaning is to inspire yourself with a little Le Monteverdi Apartment transformation. Ask a friend or roommate to help you safely move your furniture into a new configuration. Add a touch of colour with bright new pillows. Rearrange the books on your bookshelf or display a new work of art. These simple steps will give your space a new feel, likely inspiring you to continue spring cleaning to finish the job.

The blog team at Hazelview Properties wishes you good luck as you embark on spring cleaning. For more information about our Cote St-Luc apartments, visit our website today.