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Pour les résidents de

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario & Nouvelle-Écosse

Pour les résidents du


22 Août 2013

London Pride Festival 2013


From July 26th  to 28th,2013 the Hazelview Properties London Team participated in the London Pride Festival 2013.  Hundreds of people turned out to celebrate cultural, artistic and educational events that promote unity, inclusion and awareness of sexual and gender diversity. The London Pride Festival featured a dance, an outdoor festival in Victoria Park, and a Pride Parade.

This year was the biggest and best Pride yet.   Check out some of our photos from this year's event:

As the only property management company to participate, The London Team had a great time handing out Pixie Sticks and Disco lights in preparation for the Pride Parade, and were excited to give away free photography sessions and a trip to Canada’s Wonderland to the lucky winner.

Thank you to the London Pride Festival, for letting us be part of such a great event.  We look forward to next year!