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20 Juin 2013

Long Weekend Roadtrips


The Canada Day long weekend is coming up and it marks the beginning of summer! Where will you be spending your long weekend? Located centrally in southern Ontario, Hamilton is only a few hours’ drive to Waterloo Region, Toronto, London, Cottage Country and points between. If you’re planning on road tripping from Hamilton this weekend, then we’ve got you covered for car-friendly treats. These are all easy to prep right at home in your Hamilton apartment. 

  • When packing sandwiches, remember to go with options that are light on sauces and easy to hold. Think: sliced deli meats: cured salami, summer sausage and a hearty cheese. Remember to cut your sandwich like mom used to -small triangles or squares are the perfect size to nibble on when you’re driving.
  • For a sandwich alternative, try tortilla roll-ups using cream cheese and other toppings to taste. The cheese holds everything together which makes it easy to eat while en route.
  • What’s a road trip without some jerky? Choose low sodium offerings as a healthy alternative to this classic road trip treat.
  • Grapes are a great grab and go option to get some fruit while you’re on the road without making a mess. For an added twist, pop those grapes in freezer the night before.
  • Cut up some cucumber, carrots and peppers. If you can’t eat your veggies without a dip pick up a thick hummus to avoid drips and spills.
  • DIY trail mix: forget the pre-packaged stuff. Make your own from your favourite combination of nuts and dried fruit. We’re fans of whole shelled almonds, dried cranberries, dried apricots and cherries mixed with unsalted dry-roasted peanuts.
  • DIY Kale Chips: make them the night before and these low fat crispy treats are great to share with your friends.

Other tips:

  • Stock up a small cooler with ice and frozen water bottles. Add cucumber and mint to your water bottle for a refreshing treat.
  • Bring refillable coffee cups for the inevitable Timmy’s run.
  • Keep a garbage and recycling container or bag handy to keep the car tidy as you snack.
  • Skip the chain fast food options and stop by roadside food stands, diners and fry trucks. Not only are they kinder on the wallet, you’ll also be supporting small businesses and getting a truer taste of Ontario.

Even if you’re sticking around Hamilton for the long weekend, pack some snacks and spend a day at the harbour front. Where are you heading for the long weekend? We’d love to hear your plans with any tips for an easy road trip over the long weekend.  Hamilton is a wonderful place to call home and Hazelview offers rental apartments throughout the heart of downtown Hamilton and the Durand district.