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24 Avril 2018

Off-Leash Petiquette: The Unwritten Rules Of Off-Leash Dog Parks


A haven for dogs big and small, off-leash parks give our canines much needed freedom and socialization. They also give owners a way to release the hound in a semi-controlled environment. They aren’t, however, a free-for-all. Off-leash parks come with unwritten rules; ones that make the experience better, safer, and more fun for humans and canines alike.  For a rundown of how not to act when off the leash, Hazelview brings you this list of ways to keep your pet in check at the park.

Don’t Bully

Dogs are pretty good at policing themselves. But little ones can have a tougher time stopping bigger ones from romping all over them. And sometimes, it’s the little ones that get in the face of bigger dogs. Be aware that while the alpha order works itself out a lot of times, owners need to take responsibility for their dogs not bullying others. Learn more.

Watch the Jumping

Dogs get excited. It’s what they do. And when they do, they either bite, hump, or jump. And while they all can be kind of cute, when it comes to other dogs - and worse - other people (even at an off-leash park) jumping isn’t cool. It can mean little dogs get hurt, your dog might lose an eye, or some random owner might get a German Shepherd in her face. Learn more.

Watch the Humping

While sometimes comical or cute to watch, its best to keep your dog off the backs of others at the park. Learn more.

It’s Not All About You

Remember: off-leash parks or areas are just a part of a shared social zone. You and your dog don’t own it. Others use it. Just because it’s designated off-leash doesn’t mean non-pet people won’t use it or walk through it. Keep an eye on passersby, share the space, and watch that your hound doesn’t make a snack of them.

Bags are a must

Bring a bag people. While everywhere is a potential toilet for a dog, just because it’s outside, and an off-leash area, doesn’t mean it’s a free poo zone. Remember to stoop and scoop!

Be Cool

At an off-leash park, you’ve gotta relax and let go. Dogs get rowdy. They run. They jostle. They steal each others’ toys. Don’t get too uptight about it all. Trust that you’ll get your frisbee or throw-thingy back and sip your latte. Read more.

Hazelview hopes these tips help you navigate off-leash dog parks. For more information about Hazelview Properties in your city, please visit our website.