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20 Novembre 2015

Stay active indoors this winter


The cold weather can make keeping up with your favourite exercise activity difficult, if not impossible. How can you stay active during the winter months? For today’s post, the Hazelview Properties blog team has compiled a few helpful suggestions for ways to stay active indoors near Carrefour Victoria Apartments (222 Rue Woodstock).

Start at home

If you have yet to use the exercise amenities within Carrefour Victoria Apartments, set aside time this winter to explore the many options located within your very own apartment building. Fitness facilities include an indoor swimming pool, whirlpool, sauna and gym. After you are finished exercising, enjoy a book in the library or a board game with friends in the games room.

Take a class nearby

Yoga is popular in the community of St. Lambert and the greater Montreal area, with many studios nearby to choose from. For example, Luna Yoga (231 Rue Saint Paul Ouest Suite 200) is a local yoga studio that is only a 10-minute drive from Carrefour Victoria Apartments. Beginning yoga students may prefer to sign up for a one-on-one class, which provides hands-on assistance and immediate feedback to ensure you are safe and comfortable while stretching and trying the poses.

Get to know the YMCA

Montreal’s many YMCAs are not only affordable, they also offer a number of classes, including Gentle Fitness, which is especially designed for senior members. Enjoy cycling, swimming, playing squash or participating in a group aerobics class from the warmth of the indoor YMCA this summer. The YMCA Centre-Ville (1440 Rue Stanley) is about a 15-minute drive from Carrefour Victoria Apartments.

Practice little habits

Walking the halls, stretching in the morning and lifting light weights are all excellent activities that you can do without leaving your cozy Carrefour Victoria Apartment.

The Hazelview Properties blog team hopes that today’s post inspires you to commit to a healthy, active winter, no matter how cold it gets outside. For more information about Carrefour Victoria Apartments, visit our website today.