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13 Mars 2018

The Best Pets For Apartments


While apartment living can often mean no pets or small pets only, there are actually a number of great options for apartment-friendly pets. To help you find your next apartment-friendly little buddy, Hazelview brings you this list of perfect pets for apartment living.

Lap Dogs

Small dogs are well suited to apartments. Much more so than large dogs like Shepherds and Labs. Look for breeds like Pugs, Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, Bichon Frises, or Boston/Yorkshire/West Highland Terriers. These breeds also tend to be hypoallergenic and/or non-shedding, which is great for small spaces. Read more.


Cats are really are great apartment pets. All they need is a litter box and food to thrive. They can take care of themselves, be left alone, don’t need much attention, and will find mice if you forget to feed them. Read more.

Hamsters + Guinea Pigs

While technically a rodent, hamsters are the pet store poster child. A close relative, guinea pigs are non-rodential, but still similar in terms of size and needs. Both are great small-space pets. They require regular feeding, water, cleaning, and exercise, but they’re otherwise a perfect, gentle, easy going pet. Check it out.

Budgies + Parakeets

If it’s songs and squaking you enjoy, a Parakeet might be for you. A friendly, tiny, and noisy little pet that’s perfect for apartments, Budgies (Budgerigars, actually) are from the Parrot family. They’ll fairly easy to care for, can eat fruit and vegetables in addition to birdseed, and will sit on your finger once they get used to you. See more here.


There may be no pet with more gear and paraphernalia than fish. Tanks, stones, plants, structures, hides, cleaners, oxygenators, food, lights -- fish come with a lot of baggage. That being said, they’re perfect for apartments. Once set up, they only require feeding once to twice daily, and a tank clean maybe once a month. Check our more.


Rabbits are often not top of mind for aspiring pet owners, but they're super cuddly and great for apartments. They’re cute, require little more than a guinea pig, and can be trained to use a litter box. Kinda cool, in addition to the fact that they’ll also train to walk on a leash. Learn more.

Hazelview hopes this list helps you pick the perfect pet for your apartment. For more information about our pet friendly Hazelview Properties in your city, please visit our website.