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20 Juin 2017

The Style Guide for Men


Some people say that clothes make the man. We wouldn't go that far, but taking a little interest in your personal style can certainly have an impact on how others see you and boost your self confidence. It can be difficult to know where to start, so Hazelview Properties has put together a style guide for men. Try it on for size!


Most people have a tendency to hang on to old clothing items “just in case” they'll need them later. You won’t. If you haven’t worn it during the past year, chances are you won’t wear it this year either. Do some late season spring closet cleaning and throw out or give away anything you haven’t worn in over a year. It will de-clutter your closet and free up space for the new or old items that you actually wear.

Step Into Some Colour

Fact: there are more shoe colours than brown and black. So go ahead guys, have a little fun with colour! If you are uncertain about what colour shoes to wear with what colour pants, this handy reference chart takes the guess work and memorization out of the equation.

Gym Shoes Are For The Gym

Speaking of shoes, remember this: gym shoes are for the gym. Sure they’re more comfortable but nothing dresses you down more quickly than trudging around town in gym shoes. Invest in a comfortable walking shoe. Your feet and your fashion sense will thank you.

Scope Out A Fashion Show

If you’re looking for some guidance to step up your style, you don’t need to fly to New York, Paris or Milan to attend a fashion show. Flip through a slideshow of images from a men’s fashion show online, or browse some street style photos. You might just be inspired by the latest trends.

Clean Your Wallet Out Regularly

A big, bulky wallet is bad for your back, uncomfortable to sit on, and cumbersome to carry around. It can can also throw off the lines of your clothing. Just as you do with your closet, make sure you clean out your wallet regularly and lose anything you don’t use. You’ll feel a little a lighter and more streamlined.

Hazelview hopes this style guide for men helps you look and feel your best. To help find your home with Hazelview Properties, please visit our website.