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14 Mai 2019

Top 5 Dog-Friendly Ideas for Apartment Balconies


Summer is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time to start enjoying your balcony with you pooch again. Hazelview Properties has a few ideas for how you can make your apartment balcony a dog-friendly space.

Puppy Playpen

Set up a puppy playpen on your balcony. You’ll be happy to see your dog enjoy the space and they will love it too. You can start by laying down some grass, which can be artificial or real. Fresh Patch is hydroponically-grown, dirt-free grass that’s a great option -- especially for training your dogs. Adding fencing is a good idea if you want a confined space where your puppy can relax, sleep and play with its toys.

Grow Dog-Friendly Plants

Some plants can be poisonous to pets, so be careful what you buy. To prevent serious accidents, stay away from plants such as daffodils, dieffenbachia, tulips, amaryllis and aloe. But don’t worry -- you can still make your balcony look lush and inviting with safer plants. A few safe plants and flowers for your dogs include Christmas cactus, boston fern, baby rubber plant, baby’s tears, prayer plant and spider plant.

Dog-Friendly Furniture

There’s nothing worse than having your favourite furniture ruined by your dog. That’s why investing in pet-friendly pieces is worth it. Joybird has fantastic outdoor furniture that uses fabrics that are safe for your dogs without sacrificing style. Just look for the ‘pet-friendly’ symbol. If you’re looking for dog-specific furniture, Ikea has a variety of dog beds and blankets to keep your furry friend comfy and cozy.

Dog-proof Railings

We don’t always feel safe having our dogs out on the balcony -- especially when you’re on a high floor. Installing dog-proof railings is sometimes necessary to protect them. To keep your dog from squeezing through any tight spaces, consider your dog’s size and personality. If they like to chew on everything, pick a fence that’s made of plexiglass or heavy duty netting. Otherwise, you can pick something with mesh which is a little more fragile but still sturdy enough.

Portable Dog Pool

On a hot summer’s day, your dog will love to cool off in a pool. Who wouldn’t? A portable pool is a great idea because it’s lightweight and travel-friendly. You can keep it on your balcony when it needs to be used and fold it up and put it away and out of sight when it’s not. Bring it with you to the park -- especially on those scorching hot days -- your dog will love you for it.  You can also use it as a tub to bathe your pet.

Hazelview Properties hopes these five tips help you create a pet-friendly balcony which you can enjoy together. To find your home with Hazelview Properties, please visit our website.