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25 Octobre 2018

Trick or treating safety tips


Halloween should feel scary, without actually being dangerous. To help you make sure your kids are safe, Hazelview Properties wants to share some trick or treating safety tips.

Unmask the Danger

A mask may add to the look of the costume, but it can really take away from your child’s ability to see what’s around them -- including traffic. Choose hypoallergenic, non-toxic makeup instead. Do a test a few days before to make sure they don’t have any skin reactions. Also be sure to wash it all off before they head to bed.

Reflect on the Costume You Choose

Light colours are easier for motorists to see. If your child’s costume is dark, add reflective tape to the front and back. Use a white bag or pillow case for trick or treating, and add reflectors to that, too. Also, be sure the costume fits well to avoid tripping. Try to ensure they have a full range of motion. Choose non-flammable fabrics for their costume as many Jack-o’-lanterns or home Halloween displays may use real flame candles. Use LED candles or battery powered tea lights in your own decorations.

Safety in Numbers

Younger children should, of course, be accompanied by an adult at all times. By the time they reach 10, some kids may be ready to go out with a group of friends. Make sure the group includes at least 4 or 5 age-appropriate children. Equip them with a flashlight and cell phone. Make it clear not to go near houses that are not well lit, and never go inside any house, apartment or vehicle. Make sure they know not to eat any treats until they get home.

Route Planning

If you’re child is heading out with a group of friends, make sure their route is pre-planned. Set boundaries and a curfew, and explain why it’s important to stick to it. It is safest and most efficient to work your way along one side of the street and down the other, rather than crisscrossing the road more than necessary.

If you and your kids follow these simple safety tips, everyone should have a scary but safe Halloween!

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