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Pour les résidents de

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario & Nouvelle-Écosse

Pour les résidents du


27 Mai 2014

Winner of 1231 Richmond Street’s Photo Contest Chosen!


Our 1231 Richmond Street community in London called on all residents to show off their artistic talents.  The community held a friendly contest asking residents to submit original photography that conveys what life in London is all about.  Entries included photographs showing student living and campus life, scenic views and landscapes, cultures, communities, sports and architecture.  Winning photographs are now showcased in the common areas of 1231 Richmond Street.

We were thrilled by the response to the contest and the 48 impressive photo entries.  We are very excited to congratulate Ami Ng, Judy Man and Natalia Kondratieva as the winners of the Photo Contest.

A big thank you to all of our residents for supporting the contest by submitting your photos and sharing your artistic talents with us.  We appreciate your participation.