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Feb 10th, 2021

Love in times of Covid: How to celebrate a safe & romantic Valentine’s Day in 2021!


It's been an unusually challenging year and Valentine's Day 2021 will come with its own unique challenges. If celebrating the day in a romantic way is on your mind, the trick is to turn the challenge into part of the fun with some romantic Valentine's Day activities. With crowded restaurants and movie theatres presumably off of the menu this year, it's time to get a bit creative. The silver lining is you won't have to make any reservations. Here are a few fun, safe and romantic Valentine's Day date night ideas. 

Spa Day At Home

We've put stay-at-home spa day at the top of the list of our fun and romantic Valentine's Day ideas for good reason – it'll impress the heck out of your date. You can start with pampering treatments, like DIY face masks, for both of you. Move on to a hot bath with a DIY bath bomb in their favourite scent and finish things off with a massage. You don't have to be a master masseuse to make your Valentine feel special. This video tutorial on how to give the perfect Valentine's Day massage will help you perfect your techniques.

Get Cooking Together

There may be no better romantic date night idea than preparing a great meal together. Whether you and your SO are into Filet Mignon smothered in a merlot sauce, or it's more of a plant-based romance and you can't wait to cut into some Lemon Pepper Cauliflower Steaks – choose a menu together. Treat the time you spend in the kitchen as an adventure that creates an atmosphere of amore!

Have a Picnic

While a picnic in the park may not be in the picture this Valentine's Day, you can turn whatever meal you make together into a picnic. Just spread out a red and white gingham blanket on the living room floor, open a bottle of wine, break into a loaf of rustic French bread, serve up some charcuterie and cheese in a classic picnic basket and let the romantic vibes flow.

Netflix and Chill

Who needs a crowded movie theatre? Cuddling up on the couch and indulging in the best romantic movies on Netflix can be time well spent and one of the best date night ideas this Valentine's Day.

We hope that these fun date ideas help you and your sweetheart celebrate your love in the time of COVID. Happy Valentine's Day! To find your home with Hazelview Properties, please visit our website.